Friday, 30 May 2008

Cy Twombly and the rain

Cy Twombly I do not get. The name is magnificent. The work has never touched me. I know many people who would disagree with me but the majority of his work leaves me stone cold. I wonder why? I mean that. Is it that I can't get in touch with some part of me? Is the problem me and not the work? I don't think so. For me his work is essentially vacuous in that it leaves no trace on my memory. I cannot recall in my head a Cy Twombly moments after having looked at one. For me I like an image to sear itself into my memory. For example, there is a painting by Howard Hodgkin with a title something like "After Rain". The first time I ever saw this painting I almost cried. It did not represent a physical image but contained everything in the feeling. I feel as if Cy Twombly is trying to tell me something but the language that he uses is in itself confused. I think it is work that deludes rather than illuminates. This of course may be its purpose but I doubt it. I am sure that he is earnest but I suspect that those that are around him might be less so.

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